About Money

This church receives no financial support from the Church of England, nor through the Swedish church tax system.

At present, we receive a grant of about 100 000 kr  from the Swedish Government through SST (Nämnden för Statligt Stöd till Trossamfund), and our Chaplain works part time as part of the ecumenical University Chaplains team (Studentprästerna). The chaplain does some work as University chaplain, but voluntarily. He is no longer employed by the Swedish Church.

But we depend (under God) upon the generosity of people like you to maintain and develop our life and work.

In Sweden you can make a donation using Bank Giro number  781-4015.

To transfer money from the UK and other countries, your bank will need the following information:

IBAN account no.:
SE88 5000 0000 0500 1101 3370
Account name:
St Andrew’s Church Committee

If you are a UK taxpayer

you can make a contribution eligible for Gift Aid to our UK bank account administered by the Diocese.
We can use this account to pay bills from the UK.

The account details are:
Barclays Bank plc
Sort code: 20-06-05
Account name: Diocese in Europe Fund
Account number: 40317039

Swiftbic: BARCGB22
IBAN: GB43 BARC 200605 40317039

Be sure to mention St Andrew’s Church, Gothenburg.

Or you can send a cheque or CAF voucher to
Nick Wraight
Diocese in Europe
14 Tufton Street
London SW1P 3QZ

Again, mention St Andrew’s.