We can offer services of Baptism, Confirmation, Marriage and Funerals in the English language or in a mixture of English and Swedish. You do not have to be a member of our church, but we charge a fee for weddings and funerals of non-members, and sometimes for a baptism which is not part of a Sunday service.
Baptism usually takes place at one of our Sunday morning services, where the congregation can welcome the new church member into God’s family. If a child is being baptized, parents and godparents make promises on his or her behalf:
I turn to Christ as Saviour.
I submit to Christ as Lord.
I come to Christ, the way, the truth and the life.
Older children will be encouraged to make the promises themselves. We also welcome adults who have not been baptized to come for baptism as an important stage on their journey of faith.
Some families choose to join us at church coffee after the service, perhaps giving a cake; others leave to celebrate with family and friends somewhere else. Either way, baptism is a joyful occasion for the congregation as well as for the family.
Sometimes I am asked for a private baptism, not as part of the regular Sunday service. If this is on medical grounds, I am happy to oblige; if it is for social reasons, we ask for a small donation to church funds.
Children and adults who wish to explore the Christian faith further, and to make for themselves the promises their parents and godparents made for them at baptism, are invited to prepare for Confirmation. Classes are small and flexible.
In the Church of England, only a bishop can conduct a Confirmation service, and some of our young people choose to be Confirmed in the Church of Sweden, in which case we support them with our prayers during the period of preparation. If possible, some of us attend the service.
Because we don’t have many weddings – the most in a recent year was 9 – each one is different, and special. The picture shows two Chinese students and their friends after a service of blessing following a civil marriage.
For those who are not members of the church, we ask a fee of 2000 kronor for a wedding. This does not include music or flowers.
Most of the funeral services we are asked to conduct are for people who have some connection with England, although not necessarily with St Andrew’s. We are happy to help in putting together an appropriate service. For non-members, the fee is the same as for a wedding.